Date of Death Appraisal

Divorce Appraiser  Probate Appraiser  Estate Appraiser  Family Law Appraiser

Date of Death Appraisal

Bernhardt Date of Death Appraisal-- Last Will and Tesimate -Bernhardt Swisstrust Appraisal Portland Oregon

Date of death appraisal can be a stressor, and dealing with logistics and paperwork after a loved one passes is not something anyone looks forward to doing, and ordering an appraisal is definitely a part of that. Bernhardt Appraisal knows that people need estate and date of death appraisals for a variety of reasons. We also understand the unique process of determining and planning an estate as well as the need to have accurate information to help maintain fairness to all parties involved. Bernhardt Appraisal is the date of death real estate appraiser specialist in Portland area in Oregon.

Resources that may help during this difficult time in Portland, Oregon.

We know many people during the period of Grieving need an appraiser to be sensitive while finding the value of a loved one’s property. We have put together a selection of sources we feel may be useful.

Property Tax Management Resources

Grief Suppot Groups

– Pathways Program to assist children in grief.

Citizen Resource Guide

Bereavement Peer Support

End-of-Life Resources

Hospice Resources

Preparation for Dying, Death, & Burial

Contact Us

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How can I help with your real estate appraisal?

Resources that may help during this difficult time in Portland, Oregon.

We know many people during the period of Grieving need an appraiser to be sensitive while finding the value of a loved one’s property. We have put together a selection of sources we feel may be useful.

Grief Suppot Groups

– Pathways Program to assist children in grief.

Citizen Resource Guide

Bereavement Peer Support

End-of-Life Resources

Preparation for Dying, Death, & Burial

Contact Us

Start the conversation…
How can I help with your real estate appraisal?

The appraisal process can be confusing and difficult at the time of a Date of Death Appraisal. Nathan says his job is to connect with you and simplify the process for you. At Bernhardt Appraisal, the number one job as a real estate appraiser is to be credible.

We have collected some videos that you may find helpful during this time.

Bernhardt Appraisal is proud to be associated with these reputable institutions.

Your-Chamber-North-Clackamas-Oregon Residential Real Estate Appraiser Bernhardt Appraisal
Proud-Thumbtack-Professional-Oregon Residential Real Estate Appraiser Bernhardt Appraisal
Oregon-State-Bar-Oregon Residential Real Estate Appraiser Bernhardt Appraisal
MTI-Education Bernhardt Appraisal - Home Appraiser in Portland Oregon 1024x643
Certified Probate Real Estate Specialist seal Bernhardt Swisstrust Appraisal Portland Oregon
Oregon Residential Real Estate Appraiser Bernhardt Appraisal

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