Collaborative Divorce Appraisal

Save Money and Time on your Collaborative Divorce Appraisal!

Coming to a more Amicable Solution in Divorce

Why Make War When a Rational Transaction Will Provide More Value for Both Parties?

Bernhardt SwissTrust’s, Bernhardt Appraisal, is uniquely positioned to authentically support the ideals and intent of neutral collaborative divorce appraisal services.

Our Swiss ideals of swift, intelligent resolution, neutrality, and accountability play well with providing collaborative divorce professionals accurate estimates of real estate value.

Collaborative Divorce Resources in Portland, Oregon

Collaborative Divorce Attorneys in Portland

Collaborative Divorce in Portland, Oregon – Helpful Links

Collaborative Divorce – Information & Content

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How can I help with your real estate appraisal?

Collaborative Divorce Resources in Portland, Oregon

Collaborative Divorce Attorneys in Portland

Collaborative Divorce in Portland, Oregon – Helpful Links

Collaborative Divorce – Information & Content

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How can I help with your real estate appraisal?

The appraisal process can be confusing and difficult at the time of a divorce. Nathan says his job is to connect with you, and simplify the process for you. At Bernhardt Appraisal, the number one job as a real estate appraiser is to be credible.

We have collected some videos that you may find helpful during this time.

Bernhardt Appraisal is proud to be associated with these reputable institutions.

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Oregon Residential Real Estate Appraiser Bernhardt Appraisal
A More Amicable Divorce Option

A More Amicable Divorce Option

Facing a divorce is a loaded situation. It is loaded with sadness and sometimes anger, confusion, fear, disappointment, and even despair. Oregon’s divorce rate is roughly two percent higher than that of the rest of the country. If you haven’t been divorced yourself,...

Home Divorce Appraisal 101: 6 Behaviors to Avoid

Home Divorce Appraisal 101: 6 Behaviors to Avoid

Selling the marital home is one of the most emotionally-charged tasks a couple must face during a divorce, particularly a contentious one. As trying as it is, there is a point during the home sale process when a divorcing couple can let go of the reins a bit and ease...

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Doing our job, doing appraisals right, doing right by our clients and associates.

Call OR Text Us at 503.349-3765


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