St. Helens Real Estate Appraisal

Divorce Appraiser ■ Probate Appraiser ■ Estate Appraiser ■ Family Law Appraiser

Bernhardt Appraisal welcomes attorneys, CPAs, and their clients in performing divorce appraisal and estate/probate appraisal in St. Helens, Oregon 97051. Appraisal Questions – Call 971-230-4242 or Email Today!

Real Estate Appraisal in St. Helens, Oregon

Nathan Bernhardt of Bernhardt Appraisal has been assisting with appraisals in St. Helens for over 20 years. Nathan understands that good communication is vital in the process of producing a quality appraisal. Nathan takes every opportunity to ensure each appraisal, whether it is for divorce, bankruptcy, property tax appeal, or probate/estate planning, is done with the utmost professionalism.

Bernhardt Appraisal is proud to be associated with these reputable institutions.

Your-Chamber-North-Clackamas-Oregon Residential Real Estate Appraiser Bernhardt Appraisal
Proud-Thumbtack-Professional-Oregon Residential Real Estate Appraiser Bernhardt Appraisal
Oregon-State-Bar-Oregon Residential Real Estate Appraiser Bernhardt Appraisal
MTI-Education Bernhardt Appraisal - Home Appraiser in Portland Oregon 1024x643
Certified Probate Real Estate Specialist seal Bernhardt Swisstrust Appraisal Portland Oregon
Oregon Residential Real Estate Appraiser Bernhardt Appraisal

“The appraisal process can be confusing. My job is to connect with you and simplify the process for you. At Bernhardt Appraisal, the number one job as a real estate appraiser is to be credible.” -Nathan

St. Helens Oregon Resources

Showcasing Portland Neighborhoods

Showcasing Portland Neighborhoods

Showcasing Portland Neighborhoods Hawthorne District – This District is a tourist hot spot and the go-to place for locals to relax. Live music, street performers and old style theatres, and some 30 independent restaurants serving every type of food you can think of,...

A More Amicable Divorce Option

A More Amicable Divorce Option

Facing a divorce is a loaded situation. It is loaded with sadness and sometimes anger, confusion, fear, disappointment, and even despair. Oregon’s divorce rate is roughly two percent higher than that of the rest of the country. If you haven’t been divorced yourself,...

Request Your Home Appraisal

Doing our job, doing appraisals right, doing right by our clients and associates.

Call OR Text Us at 503.349-3765


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